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Chantal Detournay_elements_Strip_Burgundy.png



Bad back leads me to the mat

An on and off yoga practitioner for a few years, chronic back problems and recommendations of my osteopath led me to a regular routine. I could barely lift my chin for a Cobra and let’s not even talk about touching my toes. I was 45 years old.  Slowly, I began to experience relief with my back and my toes didn’t seem so far away.


Family loss leads me to dig deeper

Shortly thereafter, in 2016, a close member of my family is diagnosed with terminal cancer.  My yoga mat came to be my sacred space for emotional release. I began to understand how my mind/body connection functioned and it became crucial for me to delve deeper with my practice.  In 2018 I embarked in a 200H TTC with Charlotte Saint-Jean in Vinyasa yoga, although, out of my comfort zone, I felt like I came home. In 2019, thirsty for more, I continued my journey with a 200H TTC with Julien Levy.


Pandemic leads me to teach

During the COVID confinement of 2020, in March, I started to teach on zoom to my friends and relatives to keep human connection during the unprecedented period. I haven’t looked back and I could not imagine not teaching. It is clearly my dharma


What I teach

Vinyasa yoga is movement meditation, linking each posture to the breath.  It’s a dance with yourself, in which, you slow down or speed up as you become attuned intuitively to your body. Each posture flows from one to another, on instinct. 


How I teach

I like to begin the practice with by  creating a mind/body/heart/breath connection to see where we are, at that moment. So Ham, I am. I then, slowly wake the body through an asana practice opens the heart and the energy to flow. The mind calms, the muscles stretch and strengthen and the breath stabilises. The practice ends with pranayama and a meditation, returning to an observation of where we are, So Ham


In the beginning

Belgian born, I emigrated to the USA at the age of 9 in 1979 and conclude my academic career and beginning of my professional career in Finance/marketing.


Two life changing events lead me to my calling

A life changing event changes my orientation to the non profit sector. In 2002, I become a mother, another life changing event that shakes me to the core as I marvel in childhood development. In 2004, we move to Paris and become Expats. I begin to work with children on a volunteer basis and become hooked.


Which led me to open a Montessori school

I enroll in a Masters in Education with Duquesne University.  In 2007, we move from Paris to outside of Geneva, Switzerland and I enroll in a Montessori educator training program.  Lightbulbs go off, I have found my calling.  In 2009, I open my own Montessori school.


And I discover the magic

Since then, I have accompanied children, parents, staff in reaching their full potential. My vision of creating a space where happiness and well being was at the center for all stakeholders quickly became reality.  This became a pillar in my school. 


But I don't stop there

I trained in Non Violent Communication, along with my staff, to help the children develop the tools in authentic communication, conflict resolution and self knowledge.  Emotional intelligence is a centering subject.  I introduced yoga into the school and began teaching to the elementary children on a weekly basis after my certification was completed.  Several of my school students who have “graduated” from the elementary program, continue to take classes with me.


The passion that fuels me

What has fascinated and deeply fueled my passion about human development, is seeing the potential of the person in front of me, whether a student, a parent or a fellow teacher and guiding the individual to fully develop that potential.  Seeing the person as such, changes how they will perceive themselves. The new vision (drishti in yoga), already creates the space for the transformation to occur. I essentially act as a mirror that reflects where the person is going.


and so I dig even deeper

In 2020, I continue to fuel this passion by training to become a certified Coach and I complement with a NLP Technician certificate.


To fully become who I am meant to be and do by combining my passion and expertise

Accompanying a person to unlock the human potential residing deep within is my mission in life using my 12+ years of experience of working with today’s child, which is tomorrow’s man, working with parents in being the best of themselves in harmony with their child and working with star educators being in tuned with their gifts.

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